COVID-19 Self-Assessment
This is an indicative self assessment basis the symptoms of COVID-19
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1. This test has been created after discussion and inputs from multiple experts & WHO guidelines. The test only highlights the possibility of a COVID-19 infection and only advises to seek medical help. The results of this test are not medical advice
2. This test may not work accurately for front-liners like healthcare professionals, Police, media persons as the risk estimation largely depend on their exposure and precautions.

You are not at risk for COVID-19 as per WHO guidelines
Come back to take this self assessment, if you notice any change in symptoms
Please Take these Precautions & Stay Safe
- Social distancing - 1 meter/3 feet without interaction or 2 meters/7 feet while talking
- Washing hands regularly
- Not touching the face with bare hands, use clean cloth or tissues
- Sneeze or cough in elbow rather than palm
- Maintain basic hygiene, albeit more frequently. For example, sanitize door knobs and handles with soap water at least once a day.

Indicates Moderate Risk of Covid-19 as per WHO guidelines. Monitor your symptoms.
Come back to take this self assessment, if you notice any change in symptoms
Next Steps
- Hydrate well (4L - 5L a day) and maintain personal hygiene.
- Observe and re-evaluate again after two days
- Observe isolation. Keep distance with family members as well
Please Take these Precautions & Stay Safe
- Social distancing - 1 meter/3 feet without interaction or 2 meters/7 feet while talking
- Washing hands regularly
- Not touching the face with bare hands, use clean cloth or tissues
- Sneeze or cough in elbow rather than palm
- Maintain basic hygiene, albeit more frequently. For example, sanitize door knobs and handles with soap water at least once a day.

Based on self assessment, you are at risk of COVID-19
Next Steps
Please Take these Precautions & Stay Safe
- Social distancing - 1 meter/3 feet without interaction or 2 meters/7 feet while talking
- Washing hands regularly
- Not touching the face with bare hands, use clean cloth or tissues
- Sneeze or cough in elbow rather than palm
- Maintain basic hygiene, albeit more frequently. For example, sanitize door knobs and handles with soap water at least once a day.