Personalized to Each Family

The only such & the best parents support program, our award winning APP and PWAP is personalized to each family as per their child’s age, need and stage, right from conception to parents of teenagers.

Empowered by Experts

Parents know the best for their child. Parentune’s Comprehensive Expert Advice & support has empowered millions of parents to make informed decisions & to be confident parents.

Parentune 24x7 Support

Parentune for Work goes beyond the work hours to support your team and their families. It ensures that your team always feels supported and cared for.

  • 38% of parents who attend a parentune workshop are back to attend a workshop within the same week
  • 31% parents receive Expert answers to their queries within a few minutes of asking their question on parentune. 
  • 95% of the parents using parentune rate the parentune support 5 out of 5

It takes a village to raise a child

Comprehensive understanding

Parents research a lot for their child, everyday. Parentune is an efficient & safe place for a parent to know more and better. Each usage of parentune by the parent reduces their parental anxiety and helps in improving their Work-life balance.

Ask Doctors 24x7

Advice delayed for a parent leads to heightened anxiety. Parentune @Work provides 24x7 support for parents to ask their questions to Parentune Doctors and Experts. This helps the parents to achieve a better Work-life balance. 31% of parents’ queries are resolved within a few minutes making parentune the most prompt parental support.

Immersive Workshops

Parentune workshops have become the benchmark for parental guidance and immersive learning on important and complex areas, when it comes to children. These are topical, relevant and comprehensive live workshops with parentune Experts across pediatrics, pregnancy, Gynaecology, Child Psychology, Education, Nutrition, Ophthalmology, Oral health and more such important specialization.

Want to learn more? Get in touch.

Join the most prompt parental support globally & empower your teams to find a better work-life balance.

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